Albert 0. Ritchie, Governor. 545
and such oath shall be filed among the records of the town.
The Mayor shall act as chairman of the Council during his
term, clothed with all the power necessary to secure enforce-
ment of all ordinances and resolutions passed under the pro-
visions of this or any other Act.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Councilmen
of said town shall possess the same qualifications as the Mayor
and shall qualify and be disqualified in the same manner as
does the Mayor. Each of said Councilmen, in addition to such
qualifications shall dwell at the date of his election in the
ward which he is elected to represent, and in case he shall
remove during his term of office from the ward for which he
is elected, his term shall at once terminate and there shall
exist a vacancy in the office of Councilman of such ward to be*
filled as hereinafter provided. Councilmen shall receive no»
salary and shall serve for a term of two years, or until their
successors shall have been elected and qualified. The absence
of any Councilman or of the Mayor, from three consecutive-
meetings of the Mayor and Town Council, without excuse, shall
constitute a vacancy and all vacancies occurring by reason of
change of abode or absence from meetings shall be filled by
appointment of a successor by the Mayor and Town Council.
Three members of the Council may call a special meeting, at
any time, upon one day's notice but no ordinance shall be
passed by the Mayor and Town Council except at a regular'
public meeting.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Town Council of Cheverly shall have full power to pass such
ordinances as they may deem necessary for the good govern-
ment, health, moral safety and improvement of the town.,
They may by ordinances cause such licenses to be issued and
grant franchises, to public and quasi-public corporations as the
State laws may permit. They shall have the same power as
the State Board of Health, within the limits of said town.
They may employ or appoint a corporation counsel to legally
advise the Mayor and Town Council and represent the town
in any or all court proceedings, at such compensation as they
think proper. The Mayor and Town Council shall hold regu-
lar meetings in some convenient place in said town, at least
once a month, which meetings shall be open to the public, and
they shall hold such special meetings as they may think neces-