northwest corner of the Cheverly properties, all as shown on
the plats of the Cheverly and Colony subdivisions and addi-
tions thereto, and recorded in the land records of Prince
George's County, Maryland.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Town of Chev-
erly shall be divided into four wards, which shall, respectively,
comprise the territory contained within the boundaries of the
town and the center line of the streets named, as follows:
First Ward—Northern boundary, LeBlond Avenue, Glenwood
Avenue, Marshall Road (as shown on plat of Section 8 of
Cheverly) and western boundary. Second Ward—Northern
boundary, eastern boundary, Marshall Road and LeBlond Ave-
nue. Third Ward—Marshall Road, eastern boundary, west-
ern boundary, Tuxedo boundary and center line of right of
way of Pennsylvania Railroad. Fourth Ward—Center line
of right of way of Pennsylvania Railroad and South Cheverly
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the government of
said town shall be vested in a Mayor and four Councilmen,
the latter to be resident one in each of the four wards of said
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor of said
town shall be not less than thirty years of age, a citizen of the
United States, a registered voter in Cheverly and assessed upon
the assessment books of said town for improved real estate in
said town and shall have been an actual dweller within the
limits of said town for not less than two years next preceding
the date of his election. In case the Mayor shall permanently
change his place of abode from said town, he shall cease to be
Mayor, and there shall exist a vacancy in said office to be filled
as hereinafter provided. The Mayor shall receive no salary
and shall serve for a term of two years or until his successor
shall have been elected and qualified.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor elected
hereunder shall qualify upon the next Monday night succeed-
ing his election by taking an oath before any officer of the
State of Maryland duly authorized to take an affidavit to the
effect that he will obey the Constitution of the United States
and the Constitution and laws of the State of Maryland, and
will fairly and impartially administer the duties of his office,.