body corporate, by the name of the Mayor and Town Council
of Cheverly, and by that name may have perpetual succession,
sue and be sued, have and use a common seal, and may pur-
chase and hold real estate or dispose of the same for the benefit
of said town.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That the boundaries of
said town shall be as follows: Beginning at the northwest
corner of the Cheverly properties, thence in a southerly direc-
tion with the western line of sections seven, ten, nine and eight
of said properties to the Tuxedo subdivision line and with the
Cheverly-Tuxedo line in a southeasterly direction, thence with
the eastern Tuxedo boundary in a southerly direction and
across the right of way of the Pennsylvania Railroad to the
point at which the eastern boundary line of the William P.
Magruder tract extended intersects the southern right of way
line of the Pennsylvania Railroad (which point is approxi-
mately 260 feet west of the highway bridge) and running in
a southerly direction with the said east line of the William P.
Magruder property to the Joel Lindsley tract, then with the
boundary of the said Joel Lindsley tract to the boundary of
the Christman tract, then with the boundary of the said Christ-
man tract to the southeast corner of the tract owned by Cherry-
homes in the year 1919, then with the east line of the Cherry-
homes, Casteel, Atwater and Link properties to the bound-
stone in the line of the Whitlentine tract, then with the Whit-
lentine line to intersect the southern right of way line of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, then across the right of way of the
Pennsylvania Railroad in a northeasterly direction to a point
200 feet easterly of the point at which the eastern boundary
of section one of the Cheverly properties intersects the said
northern right of way line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, then
paralleling the eastern boundary line of sections one, five and
six of the Cheverly properties and being at all points of the
same 200 feet distant at right angles therefrom, to a point
opposite the northeast corner of Cheverly (the said northeast
corner being within the Cheverly Gardens line), then run-
ning to the said northeast corner and with the northeastern
boundary of Cheverly to the center of the Bladensburg-Land-
over Road, then along the center line of the said Bladensburg-
Landover Road in a westerly direction to the point at which
this line intersects the northern boundary of the Firmin tract,
then with the northern boundaries of the Firmin and Whipple
tracts in a westerly direction to the point of beginning at the