the Mayor or before any other officer of the State of Maryland
duly authorized to take an affidavit.
The Common Council shall hold regular meetings at such
times as they may fix, which shall be at least once a month,
which meetings shall be open to the public, and they shall hold
such special meetings as may be necessary to the proper per-
formance of their official duties. In case of the absence or
the inability of the Mayor to preside at any meeting, the
Councilmen may elect a Chairman pro tern. Three members
of the Council may at any time call a special meeting upon
one day's notice. At any meeting of the Common Council,
three Councilmen or two Councilmen and the Mayor shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Three
affirmative votes shall be necessary for the passage of any
ordinance, resolution or order.
Upon every vote upon an ordinance or upon any order
for the payment of money, the yeas and nays shall be re-
corded by the Town Clerk and Treasurer, and every resolu-
tion or ordinance shall be reduced to writing and read before
passage, and after passage shall be recorded by the Town
Clerk and Treasurer in an ordinance book to be provided by
the town, and a copy of any order, resolution or ordinance
over the signature of the Town Clerk and Treasurer, and
bearing the seal of the town, shall be evidence in any court of
the State of Maryland of the existence and contents of such
order, resolution or ordinance. The style of all ordinances
shall be "be it ordained by the Mayor and Common Council
of Mount Rainier. "
The Mayor and Common Council shall have full power to
pass such ordinances as they may deem necessary or proper for
the good government, health, safety, morals and improvement
of the town, and for the preservation of peace and good order
therein. They may annually employ such persons as they may
deem necessary or proper for the purposes of said town, at
such compensation as they may think proper. Any bailiffs or
other officers of the peace appointed by them shall be charged
with the duty of preserving the peace and order of the said
town, and authorized to make the necessary arrests in so
doing. Health officers appointed by them shall be charged
with the duty of preserving the public health and shall have
full power and authority to quarantine and enforce such other
preventive measures as are reasonable and necessary. They
may provide by ordinance for the opening and closing of