in some newspaper published in Prince George's County, once
in each of the three successive weeks, and give notice in said
advertisement that on a day to be named therein not later than
one month from the date of the first insertion therein, he will
sell the properties therein named to the highest bidder for cash.
All properties so sold may be redeemed by the owner thereof
or his assigns within two years of said date of sale, and in the
event of the non-redemption of the same as herein provided,
the Mayor and Council shall deliver to the purchaser thereof
a deed for said property so sold and the said deed so given shall
be presumptive evidence that all the requirements of the law
have been complied with in making such sale, and for this
purpose the said Treasurer is hereby clothed with all the
powers possessed by collectors of taxes under the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of determining whether the citizens of Seat Pleasant desire to
incorporate there shall be held an election on the first Monday
occurring ten days after this Act becomes effective.
George N. Palmer, Edward F. Roberson, J. C. Gray, Daniel
C. Joseph, James M. Arnold, George E. Redding, William
W. Bowman and Robert C. Kraft are hereby appointed a com-
mittee for the purpose of holding said election and declaring
the result thereof. Wot less than ten days before said election
they shall post in five public places within the proposed cor-
porate limits of said town a notice notifying the citizens of
said town who are qualified to vote under this Act that there
will be held on said day at a certain place and between certain
hours an election to determine whether said citizens shall adopt
this charter. The said committee shall provide ballot boxes,
booths, and ballots, which shall contain the words "For Incor-
poration" on one line and "Against Incorporation" on another
line, with squares opposite each. Said election shall be con-
ducted as nearly as practicable as an election for county officers
in said county. Said committee shall appoint three judges and
two clerks, of they may themselves serve as judges and clerks,
who shall conduct said election and upon the closing of said
polls shall canvass said vote publicly and publicly announce the
result of said canvass. In the event of a majority of said voters
being for incorporation this charter shall become immediately
operative and thereupon the same committee shall on the first
Monday in the succeeding month after the aforesaid election