The death, resignation, conviction of the violation of any
town, county, State, or federal law, or removal from the town
limits, or failure to serve, shall ipso facto disqualify the Mayor
of any other elective or appointive official of said town.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the Common
Council of Seat Pleasant shall meet at least once a month
and the Mayor for all purposes, except as herein noted, shall
constitute one of the Council. A majority shall constitute a
quorum, and a quorum shall be necessary to transact business.
If a vacancy exists among the officers of the town or the mem-
bers of the Council, other than the Mayor the Council shall fill
the vacancy for the unexpired term. The said Council shall be
the sole judge of the qualifications of its own members. They
may provide by ordinance for contested elections, they shall
have the power to appoint one or more bailiffs, who shall have
the same authority within the town limits, now possessed by
constables of Prince George's County, as to the ordinances of
said town. The Mayor and Common Council shall have power
by ordinance to provide for the good government of the town,
preservation of peace and order therein, and for the mainte-
nance of the good health of the residents thereof, to establish
grades of the streets, gutters and sidewalks of said town and
to fix the width thereof; to open and keep open and free from
obstruction, all streets and public reservations; to grade, close
or alter the same; and their rights, powers and duties in *
relation thereto shall be the same as is provided by the Code
of Public General Laws of this State for opening, altering and.
closing public roads by the Board of County Commissioners,
with the right to appeal to the Circuit Court for the county.
The Mayor and the Common Council shall have full power
to pass such ordinances as they may deem necessary for the
good government, health, and improvement of the town and
for the preservation of peace and good order therein. They
may provide by ordinance for the opening and closing of
streets, alleys, the straightening, widening and improvement of
same, for the establishment of width and care of sidewalks
and the construction of the same; they may by ordinance cause
such license to be issued as the State laws may permit, upon
such terms and conditions as to them may seem proper.
The Mayor and Common Council shall have the same power.
as the State Board of Health, within the corporate limits of
the said town. They may adopt and provide an efficient system