of drainage. They may adopt suitable measures for the re-
moval of garbage, sewerage, etc., and fix the amount to be paid
The Mayor and Common Council shall have power to enter
into contract with any person, corporation or association to
purchase and erect lamps, arches or poles for lighting the
streets, promenades, plazas, or parks of the town or owned
by the town and to make such changes and alterations as they
may deem proper, employ lamp-lighters and other necessary
labor and equipment; to set curbs and lay gutters and to cause
the water courses, drains and sewers of the town to be paved,
kept in repair and cleaned or covered, to establish and regulate
a station house or lockup for temporary confinement of vio-
lators of the law and ordinances of the town; to suppress va-
grancy and to prohibit or restrain the keeping of bawdy
houses or houses of ill-fame within the limits of the said
The Mayor and Common Council of said town shall have
full power to contract with any railroad passing through, ad
joining or reaching said town in any matter relative to polic-
ing, fire protection, water, lighting, entertainment, laying out
of streets, avenues, lanes, parks, or promenades, sanitation or
sewerage, and shall have the power to regulate the speed at
which the cars or trains of any such railway shall pass through
the town.
The Mayor and Common Council are empowered to acquire
by gift, grant, lease or purchase or by condemnation any or all
property, in their judgment needed for parks, electric lights,
water system, promenades or streets whether said lands or
property are situated wholly or partly within the corporate
limits of Seat Pleasant and for the purpose of carrying out
any or all the powers herein granted or implied and when and
so often as resort shall be had to condemnation proceedings the
procedure shall be as provided by the laws of the State of
The Mayor shall have authority to try all or any case
arising under this Charter and an appeal shall lie to the
Circuit Court for Prince George's County, provided the ap-
peal is taken within ten days after rendering of judgment and
provided the party appealing shall enter into a good and suffi-
cient bond for faithful prosecution of the appeal. Any person
or corporation or association to whom any benefits have been
awarded, or against whom any damages have been assessed,