Albert 0. Ritchie, Governor. 529
ditions as to bond, to serve until the next succeeding town
election, at which his successors shall be chosen to serve until
the expiration of the next regular term of treasurer or until
his successor may be elected and qualified.
The treasurer shall make all collections of taxes and receive
all money paid for the use and benefit of said corporation, and
shall, upon the order of the Mayor and Common Council make
all the authorized disbursements of said town. He shall keep
an account of the receipt and disbursements of the funds of the
corporation, and shall render the account to the Mayor and
Common Council when required by them, for all moneys re-
ceived by him and shall promptly disburse on the order of the
Mayor and Common Council under such regulations as they
may prescribe, all sums of money so received by him. He shall
receive for his services such sum as the Mayor and Common
Council shall designate.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted. That the Mayor shall
preside at all the meetings of the Common Council, but shall
have no vote with the Councilmen in said meetings except in
case of a tie vote in which event the Mayor shall have the right
to vote. The Mayor shall be the executive officer of the town,
and shall have all the power and rights and authority of a
justice of the peace of Prince George's County within said
town limits and shall have all the powers necessary to secure
the enforcement of any or all ordinances of said town, for the
collecting and recovering of fines and penalties, of the com-
mitting of offenders for violations of law within the corporate
limits of said town, or of any ordinances duly passed and
enacted by the Mayor and Common Council of said town, and
an appeal from his decision and judgment in any case may be
taken to the Circuit Court for Prince George's County which
shall hear and determine such cases as upon appeals from
justices of the peace; provided the person or persons aggrieved
by such decision and judgment give bond, with sureties ap-
proved by the Mayor in double the amount of the judgment
and cost against him, within ten days from the date of such
Upon the death, resignation, or removal from the corporate
limits of said town of the said Mayor, or upon his failure to
serve, a Mayor shall be elected in the stead of such Mayor to
serve until the Mayor chosen at the next annual election shall
have qualified.