Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That two weeks preceding
the date of every election, There shall be a registration day, at
which time all citizens of Williamsport, who are twenty-one years
of age, or who shall become twenty-one years of age before said
election day shall have the opportunity to register as voters of
election in books provided by the Burgess and Commissioners,
which said books shall be in duplicate, one of which shall be kept
by the Clerk to the said Burgess and Commissioners, and the
other by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Washington County,
said Books of Registration shall be inscribed by two registrars
appointed by the said Burgess and Commissioners, and be com-
pensated as said Burgess and Commissioners may see fit. There
shall be another Registration day three days after the aforesaid
first Registration day, at which time qualified citizens of Wil-
liamsport shall be entitled to register, and also at which time
the registrars will have said Books subject to revision.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of
the first registration, all citizens of Williamsport who are at
the time of the passage of this act, registered voters of Wash-
ington County shall have their names transcribed from the
Registry Books of said County to the Registry Books of Williams-
port, and it shall not be necessary for them to register on the
days as above set forth.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That nominations for Bur-
gess, Assistant Burgess and Commissioners may be made by con-
vention as hereinafter defined, held for the purpose of making
nominations to said offices, as also by a certain number of regis-
tered voters as hereinafter specified. A convention within the
meaning of this Act is an organized assemblage of qualified
voters, who shall meet at least eleven days prior to the day of
election for the purpose of making nominations.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all nominations made
by any such convention or by any registered voters shall be
certified as follows: The name of the person nominated shall
be given, his residence and the office for which he is nominated,
the certificate shall be filed by the presiding officers and secre-
tary of the convention, and the signatures thereto shall be
acknowledged by them before some officer competent to take
acknowledgments of deeds. In case the nomination is made by
a petition of registered voters, said petition with the signatures
thereto shall be filed within eleven days with the Clerk to the
Burgess and Commissioners,
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That in case nomination
is made by registered voters not assembled in convention, the