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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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ALBERT C. RITCHIE, GOVERNOR.                    27

234A to 284D, authorizing and empowering the County
Commissioners of Harford County to borrow upon the faith
and credit of Harford County a sum of money not to exceed
$750, 000 at a rate of interest not to exceed 4 1/2%, for the
purpose of extending the present State Roads system in said
County, and providing for the levying of taxes by said Com-
missioners to repay the loan and interest thereon, and pro-
viding that said loan and every part thereof and the interest
payable thereon, shall be and remain exempt from State,
County and municipal taxation.

WHEREAS, In order to complete the State Roads in Harford
County now in the course of construction it will require the
building of about forty additional miles; and

WHEREAS, The funds allocated to the County each year by
the State Roads Commission are sufficient to construct only
about one-fourth of the required distance; and

WHEREAS, It would be to the material advantage and finan-
cial interest of the citizens of the County if the entire mileage
above referred to could be built in one year for the following

1.     By advertising longer sections of road the same can be
built at a much less cost per mile;

2.     By completing an entire project in one season the travel-
ing public can benefit therefrom at the end of one year instead
of having to wait four years, during which time a small portion
would be built each year;

3.      The County would be relieved from the upkeep and re-
pair of the roads in question immediately.

4.     The State Roads Commission having adopted a policy
of requiring contractors to employ local labor as far as possible
in the building of State Roads, this project will furnish em-
ployment to a large number of the citizens of the County now
out of work;

5.     Due to the present economic conditions roads can now
be built cheaper than at any time since 1914, but this condition
will probably not continue after 1931; and


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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