WHEREAS, It has been brought to the attention of the County
Commissioners of Harford County that they can borrow the
necessary money to build the above mentioned roads at a rate
of interest not to exceed 4 1/2%; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That four new sections be added to Article 13 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Harford
County, " sub-title. "County Commissioners, " to follow Sec-
tion 234 of said Article, to be known as Sections 234A, 234B,
234C, 234D, and to read as follows:
234A. The County Commissioners of Harford County be
and they are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow from
time to time upon the faith and credit of Harford County a
sum or sums of money not to exceed in the aggregate the sum
of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750, 000. 00) and
at a rate of interest not to exceed four and one-half per cent.
(4 1/2%) per annum, for the purpose of extending the present
State Roads system in said County.
234B. The said County Commissioners are hereby autho-
rized to borrow, under the provisions of this Act, from such
bank, banker or trust company, or from any other source, as
they shall from time to time select. The said County
Commissioners are authorized to execute and deliver the
negotiable promissory note or notes of the County Com-
missioners of Harford County, to be signed by the pres-
ident of the said County Commissioners and the Treasurer
of Harford County, with the seal of the said County affixed
thereto, in such denomination or denominations, payable at such
place and at such date or dates, not later than December 31,
1934, as the said County Commissioners shall by resolution
provide. The said notes shall bear interest at such rate or
rates, not exceeding 4 1/2% per annum, as shall be provided by
resolution of the County Commissioners, such interest to be
evidenced by semi-annual coupons attached to the said notes
and bearing the facsimile signature of the Treasurer of Har-
ford County. Said County Commissioners are authorized to
borrow under the provisions of this Act by selling the nego-
tiable promissory notes herein authorized, with coupons at-
tached, at a discount less than the principal amount thereof,
provided that the coupon interest, together with any such dis-