AN ACT to add a new section to Article 33 of the Annotated
Code of the Public General Laws, of Maryland, Edition of
1924, entitled "Elections, " to follow immediately after Sec-
tion 139, to be known as Section 139A, and to require the
Supervisors of Elections to furnish a description of the new
boundaries of any ward, district or precinct to the State Geo-
logical and Economic Survey.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and the same is hereby added
to Article 33 of the Annotated Code of the Public General
Laws of Maryland, Edition of 1924, entitled "Elections, " the
said new section to follow immediately after Section 139, to
be known as Section 139A, and to read as follows:
139A. Whenever new boundaries for any ward, district
or precinct are established by the Board of Supervisors of
Elections in Baltimore City or any of the counties, it shall be
the duty of the board establishing such new boundaries to fur-
nish a full and accurate description of the same to the State
Geological and Economic Survey within sixty days after such
new boundaries are established.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
take effect on June 1st, 1931.
Approved April 6, 1931.
AN ACT to add one new section to be known as Section 742A
to Offutt's Revised Code of the Public Local Laws of Baltimore
County of the Edition of 1928, title "62. Sheriff, " said new
section to immediately follow Section 742 providing for the
retirement and pensioning of the Chief Deputy in the office
of the Sheriff of Baltimore County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That one new section to be known as Section 742 A be added
to Offutt's Revised Code of the Public Local Laws of Baltimore
County of the Edition of 1928, title "62. Sheriff," said new