for Washington County, are hereby extended so as to include
all the territory within the following limits:
Beginning at the northwest corner of the Little Tonoloway
Creek at its intersection with the Potomac River, thence three
hundred (300) perches more or less, eastward with the north
marginal water line of the Potomac River to a stone, in said
water line, directly opposite or south of a similar stone, on the
berme bank of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and in what is
called Freys Hollow, thence northward to said stone in Preys
Hollow, thence leaving said stone in Freys Hollow, passing two
sycamore trees standing on each side of the Old National Pike,
north 35 perches to a stone, thence leaving said Freys Hollow,
north 67 degrees, west 106 perches to a marked pine tree, north
55 degrees, west 46 perches crossing Littles Dam to the north-
east corner of the Catholic Cemetery; thence north 75 degrees
west 120 perches to a stone at a gate post on the east side of an
alley or lane; thence along the east side of said alley or lane
south 15 1/2 degrees west 9 perches to a stone, thence north 75
degrees west 27 perches to the east margin of Parsonage Ave-
nue; thence along the east margin of said Parsonage Avenue
south 14 3/4 degrees west two perches; thence running along the
south side of Jackson Street north 75 degrees, west thirty-two
perches more or less to the center of the public road, leading
from Hancock to Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania, thence north-
westward with the center of said road to the Stave Mill Road,
thence with center of Stave Mill Road to a point where the
Park line and James P. Bishop line meet, thence with the Park
lines on north and west sides of said Park and with the south
line of said Park, eastward to the east marginal lines of the
lots fronting on the south side of Brent Street in Blue Hill
Addition to the town of Hancock, thence eastward with the
State road to the property of R. A. Litton, thence around said
Litton property to the State road, thence with State road to
E. P. Cohill and Alice C. Widmeyer properties thence around
said properties to the State road, thence with State road east-
ward to the west marginal line of Little Tonoloway Creek,
thence with west marginal line of said Little Tonoloway Creek
southward to the place of beginning.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
eeffect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6, 1931.