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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1414   View pdf image (33K)
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1414                       JOINT RESOLUTIONS.

administration of justice exceptional qualities of mind and
heart and a judgment ripened by a long experience as a prac-
titioner of the law; and

WHEREAS, on March 7, 1933, Judge Owens will attain the
age of seventy years; and

WHEREAS, it is the sentiment of the members of the Bar of
Baltimore City, that while as a general rule, the retirement of
Judges at the age of seventy years makes for better govern-
ment, the term of Judge Owens should be extended as herein
provided, for the reasons above given; and

WHEREAS, there is a wide-spread desire on the part of the
people of Baltimore City that Judge Owens' term should be
extended; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Hon-
orable Albert S. J. Owens be and he is hereby continued in
office as an Associate Judge of the Supreme Bench of Balti-
more City until Tuesday after the first Monday in November,
in the year 1938, and until his successor is elected and qualified.

Approved March 13, 1931.

NO. 4.

A Joint Resolution requesting the Honorable Albert C. Ritchie^
Governor of Maryland, to be a candidate for the Presidency
of the United States.

WHEREAS, The fundamental principle of the people of the
State of Maryland has always been that over-centralization of
power in the Federal Government and Federal invasion of the
rights of the States are destructive of our form of government
and of the liberties of our people; and

WHEREAS, In the person of Governor Albert C. Ritchie,
Maryland has the outstanding champion of these principles
and the champion of the rights of free people and free States
in a free country; a man who, regardless of political conse-
quences, has forcefully, courageously and intelligently advo-
cated throughout the country a return to them; and


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1414   View pdf image (33K)
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