WHEREAS, By the intellectual energy displayed by him, his
great dignity and outstanding ability, by the attentive and
respectful consideration devoted by him to all details of gov-
ernment, the courtesy and kindness shown by him to all the
people, the part that he has played in upholding the lofty
standards and traditions of the Maryland Free State, his in-
dustry and learning, which have always been an inspiration,
he exemplifies in the greatest measure the quality of man to
serve the needs of the nation as President of these United
States; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Honorable Albert G. Ritchie, Governor of Maryland, be and
he is hereby petitioned and requested to become a candidate for
the Presidency of the United States.
Approved April 17, 1931.
NO. 5.
A Joint Resolution authorizing the Governor to proclaim Octo-
ber 11th of each year "General Pulaski's Memorial Day" for
the observance and commemoration of the death of Brigadier
General Casimir Pulaski.
WHEREAS, The 11th day of October, 1779, is the date in
American history of the heroic death of Brigadier General
Casimir Pulaski, who died from wounds received on October
9th, 1779, at the siege of Savannah, Georgia; and
WHEREAS, The States of Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan,
Ohio, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, Minnesota,
Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Rhode Island, New Hamp-
shire, Nebraska, Georgia and other States of the Union have by
legislative enactment designated October 11, 1929, to be "Gen-
eral Pulaski's Memorial Day"; and
WHEREAS, It is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this
day bo commemorated with suitable patriotic and public exer-
cises in observing and commemorating the death of this great
American hero of the Revolutionary War; therefore, be it