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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1413   View pdf image (33K)
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ALBERT C. RITCHIE, GOVERNOR.               1413

land in September, 1906, and was elected to that office in
November, 1907, for a term of fifteen years; and

WHEREAS, Judge Adkins was appointed Chief Judge of the
Second Judicial Circuit of Maryland in March, 1919, and
was elected to that office in November, 1919, for a term of
fifteen years; and

WHEREAS, Judge Adkins during a continuous service of
twenty-four years upon the Bench has discharged the duties
of his office with conspicuous ability and distinction, and still
enjoys good health and vigor; and

WHEREAS, On July 21st, 1932, Judge Adkins will attain
the age of seventy years; and

WHEREAS, It is the sentiment of the Bar as well as the people
generally of the Second Judicial Circuit that Judge Adkins'
term should be extended; now, therefore,

Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Honorable William H. Adkins be and he is hereby continued in
the office of Chief Judge of the Second Judicial Circuit of
Maryland after he has attained the age of seventy years and
until the expiration of the full term for which he was elected.

Approved February 19, 1931.

NO. 3.

A Joint Resolution extending the term of service of the Hon-
orable Albert S. J. Owens as Associate Judge of the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City.

WHEREAS, at the election in November, 1926, Judge Owens
was elected an Associate Judge of the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City for a term of fifteen years; and

WHEREAS, Judge Owens, during his four years of service
on the Bench, has retained his health and vigor, and is now,
as heretofore, discharging the duties of his high office with
ability and the esteem of the public, and is bringing to the


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1413   View pdf image (33K)
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