land (1929 Supplement), title "Water Fowl, Birds and Game, "
sub-titles "Hunter's License, " "Upland and Migratory Game
Birds and Game Animals, " "Bag Limits and Export of Game, "
"Otter, Muskrat, Raccoon and Opossum" and "Elk and Deer, "
be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
2. "Whenever used in this Article, unless a contrary inten-
tion is evident from the context, the word "person" shall in-
clude individuals, co-partnerships, associations, and corpora-
tions; the singular shall include the plural, and the masculine,
the feminine and neuter.
The term "Game Birds" shall include: (a) the anatidae,
commonly known as swan, geese, brant and river and sea
ducks; (b) the pygopodes, commonly known as loon and grebes
(the members of these two orders being commonly known as
wild water-fowl); (c) the rallidae, commonly known as rails,
or sora, coots, mud-hens and gullinules; (d) the limicolae,
commonly known as shore birds, plover, surf birds, snipe,
woodcock, sandpipers, tattlers and curlew; (e) the gallinae,
commonly known as wild turkey, ruffed grouse, pheasants,
doves, partridges and quail; and (f) the birds commonly
known as reedbirds and blackbirds.
The term "game animals" shall include: (a) the wapiti or
elk; (b) the deer; (c) the wild rabbit and hare; (d) the
red, gray, black and fox squirrel.
The term "game" shall include "game animals" and "game
birds, " which are protected by law.
The term "fur-bearing animals" shall include: (a) the
mink; (b) the muskrat; (c) the opossum; (d) the otter;
(e) the raccoon; and (f) the beaver.
The term "vermin" shall include all wild animals not classed
as game animals or fur-bearing animals and all wild birds
other than game birds and protected birds.
The term "unprotected birds" shall include: (a) the blue jay;
(b) the English sparrow; (e) the European starling; (d) the
kingfisher; (e) the buzzard; (f) the crow; (g) all species of
hawks and owls; and (h) the eagle.
The term "protected birds" shall include all wild birds not
included within the term "game birds" and "unprotected
birds, "
The term "wild birds" includes all birds other than do-
mestic birds.
The term "open season" shall mean the time, with the ex-
ception of Sunday, during which game and fur-bearing animals