may be legally taken or killed and shall include both the first
and last day of the season or period designated by this Article.
The term "closed season" shall mean the time during which
game or fur-bearing animals may not be legally taken or killed
and includes all periods of time not included within the open
The term "hunt" shall mean to include: hunt, pursue, catch,
kill, trap, shoot or attempt to hunt, pursue, catch, kill, trap
or shoot.
17. The Clerks of the Circuit Courts of the counties and
the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore City
shall, on the first day of June, nineteen hundred and eighteen,
and on the first day of each and every month thereafter, trans-
mit to the Comptroller of this State all moneys received by
them for licenses; the said amounts so received by the Comp-
troller shall be placed to the credit of a separate fund to be
known as "The State Game Protection Fund" and shall be
disbursed by the State Comptroller from time to time, on
warrants signed by the Conservation Commissioner and Game
Warden of Maryland. The moneys in said fund shall be used
solely for the salaries and expenses of the Game Warden and
his subordinates, and for the protection and propagation of
birds and game. The Conservation Commissioner shall require
the Game Warden to file an annual account with him showing
the entire receipts and disbursements of himself and all depu-
ties, and exhibit vouchers therefor, and also shall require said
Game Warden to file an approved bond in the penalty of two
thousand dollars ($2, 000. 00) for the faithful performance of
his duties, the cost of said bond to be paid out of said fund.
20. The open season for game birds and game animals shall
be as follows:
Kind of Game. Open Season
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs. August 16th to September
30th, inclusive.
Rails and Reedbirds........September 1st to September
30th, inclusive.
Water Fowl................November 1st to January 31st,.
Wilson Snipe or Jacksnipe.... November 1st to January 31st,
Squirrel...................September 15th to October
15th, inclusive, then closed