Brand name or trade-mark;
Grade (as 2-10-2), namely, 2% of nitrogen, 10% phos-
phoric acid, and 2% potash.
Guaranteed analysis in percentages;
Total nitrogen;
Available phosphoric acid (P2O5);
Water soluble potash (K2O);
Name and address of manufacturer.
In the case of unacidulated bone, tankage, fish or other ani-
mal or vegetable matter, used as fertilizer, it shall be lawful to
guarantee the phosphoric acid as total phosphoric acid; pro-
vided, however, that in the statement of the guaranteed analy-
sis the minimum percentage only of the valuable constituents
shall be given. It shall be unlawful to brand as pure bone any
mixture in which any part of the phosphoric acid is from
sources other than bone.
5. That it shall be unlawful to sell, offer or expose for sale
for fertilizer purposes any raw or untreated leather, hair, wool
waste, hoof, horn, tartar pomace, mora meal, either as such or
mixed with other fertilizer materials; provided, however, that
this section shall not apply to such material as has been treated
in a manner to make available the essential fertilizer constit-
uents which it may contain; and provided further, that the
section shall not apply to the raw materials hereinbefore enu-
merated which are consigned to or offered for sale in bulk to
manipulators or manufacturers of fertilizers.
6. That the plant food content of each and every brand of
fertilizer or fertilizer material filed with the University of
Maryland must remain uniform for the period of registration,
and in no case, even at a subsequent registration, shall the
grade be lowered.
7. That it shall be the duty of the University of Maryland
to procure for analysis one or more samples in each year, as*
far as practicable, of all fertilizers sold, offered for sale or
used in the State of Maryland, and the State Chemist, or any
a^ent or representative, duly authorized by him, or by the
University of Maryland, shall have the right to take samples
from any lot or parcel of fertilizer in the possession or in the
keeping of any manufacturer, manipulator, dealer, agent, con-
sumer or transportation company in said State of Maryland,
and it shall be the duty of the University of Maryland to pub-