lish at least semi-annually the results of the analysis made by
the said university of the samples procured.
8. Any purchaser of fertilizer or fertilizers, provided he is
not a manufacturer or manipulator, or agent of the same, may
have taken in the presence of a disinterested witness, a sample
or samples of said fertilizer and forward the same with all
transportation charges prepaid to the University of Maryland
for analysis, provided that samples so taken shall be from un-
broken bags or packages which have not been damaged or
injured in transit, or by exposure, and which have not been in
possession of the owner more than thirty (30) days; provided,
further, that said samples be taken under such rules and regu-
lations as may be prescribed by the University of Maryland;
provided further, that every sample sent for analysis to the
said university shall be fully described on forms to be fur-
nished by said university free of charge, said description giv-
ing a full and complete statement of the time and place of
sampling, of all marks on the bags or packages thereof, and of
all the facts relating to the same, said description and state-
ment shall be signed by the purchaser of the fertilizer, the
person drawing the sample and the disinterested witness or
witnesses as above provided.
9. That it shall be the duty of the University of Mary-
land to analyze, upon request, without cost or charge, all sam-
ples of fertilizer sent to said university and taken in the man-
ner prescribed in Section 9 of this Act. It shall be the fur-
ther duty of the said university through its duly authorized
agent, the State Chemist, appointed by the State Board of
Agriculture, to at once make a full and complete analysis of
the sample or samples received in accordance with this pro-
vision and within thirty (30) days thereafter return to such
person or persons from whom the sample or samples were re-
ceived a full and complete analysis of said sample or samples.
10. Any importer, manufacturer, manipulator, dealer, agent
or person who shall sell, offer or expose for sale, or distribute in
this State, any fertilizer or fertilizer material except that sold in
bulk to manufacturers, manipulators or mixers for resale with-
out having attached thereto or printed thereon the statement
as required by the provisions of this Act, or who shall impede,
obstruct, hinder or otherwise prevent or attempt to prevent
said State Chemist or his authorized agent in the performance