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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1396   View pdf image (33K)
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1396                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.                  [CH. 510

said manufacturer, jobber or manipulator, and the guaranteed
analysis of said fertilizer, stating the sources and the percent-
ages thereof from which the nitrogen, phosphoric acid and
potash are derived.

Before any person or firm shall sell or offer for sale any pure
or mixed culture of micro-organism or other material to be
used for promoting directly or indirectly the growth of higher
plants, he or they shall secure a permit and shall file or regis-
ter with the University of Maryland a statement under oath,
specifying the composition of the substance, and the kind ©f
micro-organisms contained therein which promotes the growth
of higher plants, and they shall pay to the University of Mary-
land a permit and registration fee of $10. 00 per brand. The
University of Maryland shall have power to refuse or cancel
such permit whenever any culture or micro-organisms or any
other material used for promoting the growth of plants is sold
under false or misleading claims.

3.    That every importer, manufacturer, manipulator, dealer
or agent before selling, offering or exposing for sale, within
the State of Maryland any fertilizer shall pay to the Univer-
sity of Maryland a fee of $10. 00 per brand for each brand reg-
istered under Section 2 of this Act, and on or before December
31st of each year shall file with the university a statement,
made under oath in due form of law, giving the total number
of tons of fertilizer sold during that calendar year in the State
of Maryland, and shall pay thereon an inspection tax of ten
cents per ton; provided, however, goods sold in bulk to manu-
facturers, manipulators or mixers for resale shall not be sub-
ject to the said tax of ten cents per ton; provided, further, that
where the tonnage tax paid in any one calendar year is in ex-
cess of the brand tax of $10. 00 above provided the said brand
tax shall be rebated; and provided further, that when any man-
ufacturer, dealer or importer has paid the required inspection
fee no other person selling the same goods under his name and
brand shall be required to pay such fee.

4.    That every bag, barrel or package of fertilizer must bear
plainly and conspicuously on the outside of same, and every
parcel or lot sold in bulk must be accompanied by a clear and
true statement in legible print, in the order herein stated, the

The net weight of the. contents of the package or lot in


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1396   View pdf image (33K)
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