AN ACT to repeal Article 61 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1924 Edition), title "Manures and Fertilizers, " and
all amendments thereto, and to enact in lieu thereof a new
Article, to be known as Article 61 of said Annotated Code
of Maryland, title "Manures and Fertilizers. "
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Article 61 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1924 Edition), title "Manures and Fertilizers, " and all
amendments thereto, be and the same are hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That in lieu of the Ar-
ticle repealed in Section 1 of this Act, a new Article 61 of said
Annotated Code of Maryland, title "Manures and Fertilizers, "
be and it is hereby enacted, to read as follows:
Manures and Fertilizers.
1. The term "fertilizer" as used in this Act shall mean any
commercial fertilizer, or any article, substance or mixture sold,
offered or exposed for sale, for manurial purposes in the State
of Maryland of which the selling price shall be more than
$5. 00 per ton of two thousand pounds, but shall not include
ground gypsum, lime, ground limestone, ground shells, dung
of all poultry or dung of domestic animals, in bulk, when sold
as such and when not mixed with other fertilizer or fertilizer
materials. The term "State Chemist" shall mean the professor
in charge of the Chemical Department of the University of
Maryland, who shall be ex-officio State Chemist. The term
"brand" shall mean the full name, brand and trade-mark under
which a fertilizer is sold, together with a statement of the per-
centage of the valuable ingredients contained in said fertilizer.
2. That every manufacturer, jobber or manipulator of com-
mercial fertilizer and materials used in the manufacture of the
same, who may desire to sell or offer for sale in the State of
Maryland such fertilizer or fertilizer materials before offering
the same for sale shall file or register with the University of
Maryland upon forms furnished by said university the name
of each and every brand of fertilizer which it is desired to sell
in the said State by any said manufacturer, jobber or manipu-
lator, or their agents, together with the name and address of