successors and assigns, and any purchaser thereof, shall make
the appropriate reports, and be subject to the appropriate pen-
alties, provided in Sections 172 to 191, inclusive, of Article 81
of the Code of Public General Laws of this State, and of said
tax one-half of one per cent, of such gross receipts, as above
specified, shall be payable to the Treasurer of the State, and
the remainder thereof shall be payable one-half to the Treas-
urer of Baltimore County and one-half to the Treasurer of
Kent County, and it shall be the duty of the State Tax Com-
mission, when it has ascertained and fixed the amount of such
tax, to certify to the Comptroller of the Treasury, and to the.
Treasurer of Baltimore County and to the Treasurer of Kent
County, and to the said Chesapeake Bay Bridge Company,
the amount of such tax due to the said State of Maryland and
to said respective counties, and thereupon said tax shall be
collectible by the Treasurer of the State of Maryland and by
the respective Treasurers, of said respective counties, as other
county and State taxes due from corporations are collected.
Provided, however, that the franchise tax herein made pay-
able to the State of Maryland and to Baltimore County and
to Kent County shall not be levied or assessed upon the tolls
and revenues of said bridge derived during the first year of the
operation thereof.
Said franchise tax shall be in lieu of all taxes which might
otherwise be levied by this State, or by any county, municipal-
ity or other taxing authority therein, upon said bridge and
appurtenant structures, upon its fills, approaches and rights
of way, upon the tolls and revenues thereof, or upon the fran-
chises for the construction and operation of said bridge, and
shall also be in lieu of all such other taxes upon said Company,
its successors or assigns, 'or upon the holders of the capital
stock of said Company, its successors or assigns, based upon
the ownership by said company, its successors or assigns, of
said bridge and its appurtenances, or based upon the receipt
by said company, its. successors or assigns, of the tolls and
revenues thereof, it being hereby declared that said property
in the hands of said Company, its successors and assigns, and
the holders of said stock, shall be forever free and exempt from
all of said taxes. The exemption herein provided shall not be
extended, however, directly or indirectly, so as to include any
real or personal property otherwise subject to taxation which
may be owned by said Company, its lessees, successors or as-
signs, apart from and in addition to the property hereinabove
specifically exempted from such taxation, but any and all land,.