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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1385   View pdf image (33K)
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ALBERT C. RITCHIE, GOVERNOR.                1385

free access to the work to be carried on in the construction of
said bridge, and to all maps, profiles, contracts, reports of en-
gineers, accounts, books, records and all other papers and docu-
ments relating thereto.

48.      Said Company is hereby authorized to fix and to re-
vise from time to time tolls for transit over said bridge and
to charge and collect the same, and to fix by contract, with any
person, partnership, association or corporation desiring the use
of said bridge, approaches, appurtenances and works, or any
part thereof, for placing thereon water, gas or oil pipe line,
telephone, telegraph, electric light or power line or for any
other purpose, except for tracks for railroad or railway use,
the terms, conditions and rates of charges for such use, pro-
vided, however, that any such contract for the use of said
bridge for such purpose or purposes shall in every case pro-
vide for adequate compensation to said company, its successors
and assigns. The rates of tolls and charges so fixed shall be
the legal rates, unless and until changed by order of the Public
Service Commission, as may be authorized by law.

49.     ~No person, partnership, association or corporation,
private or public, shall be authorized to, and it shall be un-
lawful for any person, partnership, association or corporation,
private or public, to construct or operate any bridge over the
waters of the Chesapeake Bay at a distance less than ten miles
from the bridge to be erected in pursuance of this sub-title,
except such other bridge be erected after the acquisition by the
State of the bridge to be erected, pursuant hereto, and with the
consent of the General Assembly.

50.     A franchise tax is hereby levied annually upon the
gross receipts of said Company, its successors and assigns, de-
rived from the tolls and all other revenues from the said bridge,
such tax being as follows, to wit: two and one-half per cent, o f
so much of such gross receipts as shall be not in excess of five
hundred thousand dollars ($500, 000) in any one year, and in
addition thereto three and one-half per cent, of so much of
such gross receipts as shall be in excess of five hundred thou-
sand dollars ($500, 000) and not in excess of one million dollars
($1, 000, 000) for such year, and in addition thereto five and
one-half per cent, of so much of such gross receipts as shall be
in excess of one million dollars ($1, 000, 000); and that for the
purpose of determining said tax, said Company, its lessees, its


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1385   View pdf image (33K)
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