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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1387   View pdf image (33K)
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ALBERT C. RITCHIE, GOVERNOR.                138y

water rights and other real property, and the improvements
thereon, at any time acquired and held by said Company, its
lessees, successors and assigns, apart from and in addition to
said bridge, the ways and approaches thereto, and appurte-
nant structures, shall be subject to assessment and taxation for
County and State purposes as other real estate is now or may
hereafter be taxed by law.

51.    The right to sell, assign, transfer and mortgage all or
any part of its property, including all or any part of the fran-
chises, rights, powers, privileges and immunities conferred by
this sub-title or otherwise acquired is hereby granted to said
company, and to its successors and assigns; and that any per-
son, partnership, association or corporation to which such
property, franchises, rights, powers, privileges and immuni-
ties or any thereof may be sold, assigned or transferred, or
who shall acquire the same by mortgage foreclosure or other-
wise, is hereby authorized and empowered to own said prop-
erty and to hold, exercise and have such franchises, right,
powers, privileges and immunities as fully as though conferred
herein directly upon such person, partnership, association or
corporation; subject, however, to all the limitations thereof
provided by the terms of this sub-title.

52.     In addition to its power to acquire said bridge and
appurtenant property by condemnation upon payment of just
compensation as now provided by statutory and constitutional
authority, the State of Maryland shall have the right upon or
after the expiration of twenty years from the date of the open-
ing of said bridge to traffic and upon not less than two years7
notice in writing from the chairman of the State Roads Com-
mission to the company, its successors or assigns, to take over
by purchase, at cost, said bridge together with all other prop-
erty, rights, and appurtenances owned and held by said com-
pany, its successors or assigns then valuable and serviceable in
the maintenance and operation of said bridge. Such cost shall
be determined by agreement between the State Roads Com-
mission and the said company, its successors or assigns, and in
case of failure to agree, by a proceeding in equity to be insti-
tuted by the State of Maryland in the Circuit Court of Bal-
timore County, with the ri^ht of either party to appeal to the
Court of Appeals of Maryland.

53.     None of the provisions contained in Sections 153 to
160, inclusive, of Article 23 of the Code of Public Laws of


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1387   View pdf image (33K)
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