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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1384   View pdf image (33K)
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1384                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.                  [CH. 539

is hereby authorized to construct a bridge over the Chesapeake
Bay from a point in Baltimore County near the mouth of
Back River, to a point in Kent County between Rock Hall and
Tolchester Beach, together with appropriate fills, approaches
and appurtenant structures, and to maintain, operate^ repair
and rebuild the same.

45.      Said bridge shall be a highway bridge for vehicular
traffic and the driveway of said bridge shall be of a width of
at least twenty (20) feet and that said bridge shall be con-
structed with at least two draws suitable for the passage of
vessels, one of which draws shall be located in the main channel
of said Bay and shall be at least two hundred (200) feet in
width, and the other of which draws shall be located at a con-
venient point on the western side of the main channel and shall
be at least forty (40) feet in width; and that before said
Company shall undertake the construction of said bridge the
plans and specifications thereof, including the specifications of
the draws to be included in said bridge, shall be submitted to
and approved by the State Roads Commission.

46.      Said Company may agree with the owners for the land,
water rights, or other property 'and for the earth, stone or
other material necessary for the construction, protection, main-
tenance, repair or rebuilding of said bridge, roads and ways
thereto, toll houses, lodges and other buildings or structures
necessary for the proper operation of said bridge, and the rights
so acquired by agreement shall be conveyed by deed duly
acknowledged and recorded. In case of failure to agree, or
of disability of the owners to contract, or of their absence from
the State, the corporation may obtain the lands, water rights
or other property necessary as above described by condemna-
tion, but said company shall have no power to condemn land
or other property not reasonably necessary for the location,
construction and operation of the said bridge and appropriate
and needed toll houses and appurtenant structures, and the
necessary approaches and ways to said bridge. The State of
Maryland hereby consents to the use and occupation of the
lands lying under the waters of the Chesapeake Bay, necessary
for the construction and operation of said bridge and the ap-
proaches and appurtenances thereto.

47.      Said Company shall grant to the State Roads Commis-
sion or to its authorized representatives, at all reasonable times,,


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1384   View pdf image (33K)
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