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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1381   View pdf image (33K)
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ALBERT C. RITCHIE, GOVERNOR.                1381

near Point of Rocks, Maryland, connecting the State highway
systems of the two States, and to pay one-half of the pur-
chase price thereof, said one-half not to exceed the sum of
fifty thousand dollars ($50, 000), out of funds appropriated
for the construction of roads and bridges in the State high-
way system, provided the Commonwealth of Virginia shall
pay the other one-half. Title to the said bridge and ap-
proaches shall be vested jointly in the State of Maryland
and the Commonwealth of Virginia, in each an undivided
one-half interest.

35.     The State Roads Commission of Maryland is hereby
authorized and empowered to join with the Board of Super-
visors of Loudoun County, Virginia, to purchase and acquire
the interstate highway bridge and approaches over the Poto-
mac River at Brunswick, Maryland, connecting the Maryland
State highway system with the County Highway system of
Loudoun County, at a price not to exceed the sum of one hun-
dred thousand dollars ($100, 000). Title to the said bridge
and approaches shall be vested jointly in the State of Mary-
land and in the Board of Supervisors of Loudoun County, in
each an undivided one-half interest.

36.     The State Roads Commission of Maryland is hereby
authorized to provide for the charge and collection of tolls
for the use of said bridges and approaches at the same rate
of toll now in effect or which may afterwards be agreed upon
by the State Roads Commission of Maryland and the Com-
monwealth of Virginia, or which may be prescribed by any
Board or Commission having power to fix such rates of toll
and for the application of the tolls collected after the payment
of the cost of collection on the purchase price of said bridge
and approaches at Brunswick, Maryland, at a cost not to ex-
ceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100, 000) and interest
thereon, until said purchase price and interest thereon is fully
paid, provided that thereafter both of said bridges and ap-
proaches shall be free of tolls. And the State Roads Com-
mission of Maryland is hereby empowered to contract and
promise to pay the whole of the purchase price of said bridge
and approaches at Brunswick, Maryland, or any part thereof
remaining unpaid, at any time until the said bridges are fully
paid for; and to use the funds appropriated for the construc-
tion of roads and bridges in the State highway system for this


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1381   View pdf image (33K)
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