pair, so far as funds for such purposes are available, all State
roads and bridges heretofore or hereafter constructed or im-
proved by it under the provisions of this sub-title or which now
or at any time may be placed or come under its control; and to
such end the said State Roads Commission shall have power and
authority to adopt such method or methods for the systematic
repair and maintenance of such roads as it may from time to
time deem proper and advisable; and, out of funds appro-
priated or designated for use in the repair or maintenance of
said State roads, shall have power and authority to employ
such engineers, assistants and other employees, and purchase
such equipment, appliances, and materials as may be reason-
ably requisite and necessary for the purposes aforesaid. Said
Commission shall keep accurate records in detail showing as
far as practicable the cost of maintenance and repair of such
roads under the various systems of maintenance and repair
adopted by it from time to time; the cost and quantities of
different kinds of stone, oil and other materials used in the
maintenance and repair of said roads, and the durability and
effects of traffic of various kinds upon the different types of
roads constructed, maintained or repaired under the pro-
visions of this sub-title. And said Commission shall embody
in its annual report to the Governor a synopsis of such ex-
30. The State Roads Commission shall erect and main-
tain, out of the receipts of its office, along the rights of way
of the State roads, the necessary signs, signals or markers for
the purpose of directing the traveling public, warning them
of danger, or for any other purpose which in the opinion of
the Commission may be right or proper; and any person who
removes, damages or defaces any such signs, notices or markers
shall be guilty of a. misdemeanor and fined a sum not to exceed
one hundred ($100. 00) dollars.
31. The State Roads Commission shall furnish to1 the
Comptroller of the Treasury at the end of each fiscal year a
complete itemized account of the "overhead" charges for work
done throughout the State, said "overhead" charges to include
all amounts expended by said Commission, except those paid
to contractors in payment of road-building contracts for ma-
terial and labor actually expended in building such road; and
a similar report to the President of the Board of County Com-