desirable in the projected locations of any road authorized to
be constructed hereunder.
27. It shall be lawful for the State Roads Commission to
make and enforce, from time to time, such regulations and
orders as it may deem necessary for the preservation of State
roads, and herein to regulate the use of the same by traction
engines, wagons, sleds and such other vehicles or conveyances
as by such use produce more than an ordinary amount of wear
and tear thereon. Such orders and regulations, when and as
promulgated or altered, shall be published once a week for
three successive weeks in some newspaper of the county in
which the road or roads affected may lie. Any person know-
ingly violating any such order or regulation shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be
fined not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars, or
imprisoned for not less than ten days nor more than three
months, or both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the
28. No person shall operate upon any of the public roads
or highways of this State, or of any county therein, any ve-
hicle so constructed or equipped as to cause any unusual
amount of damage to such highways; and no wagon, truck,
road engine, traction engine or other vehicle having metal tires
or treads shall be operated over or upon any such road or high-
way having upon the wheels any clamps, spikes, ribs or other
devices which may cut into or injure the road surface, nor shall
any wagon or other vehicle of any kind be operated with a
rough lock or similar device under one or more of the wheels
thereof in such a manner as to cut into or injure the surface
of any such road or highway. Any person violating any of
the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than
ten dollars or more than one hundred dollars for each offense,
such fine to be paid to the board or other public authorities in
control of the road upon which such offense was committed
and to be used for road maintenance; provided, however, that
this section shall only apply to roads which have been improved
with modern gravel, shell, macadam or metal road bed, and
shall not apply to dirt roads.
29. It shall be the duty of the State Roads Commission to
maintain in good condition and keep in proper order and re-