Will Record W. F. B. No. 14, folio 8, of the sum of one hundred
dollars ($100) the income to be used in keeping ,the testatrix's
burial lot in repair and good condition.
To the bequest to the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal
Church in the City of Westminster, Maryland, as contained in
the last will and testament of Carroll Albaugh, deceased, said will
being probated by the Orphans' Court for Carroll County on
December 16, 1930, and recorded in the office of the Register
of Wills for said county in Will Record Liber W. F. B. No. 14,
folio 9, etc., of the sum of five hundred dollars ($500), the in-
come being requested to be used towards paying the salary of
the minister.
To the bequest to the Trustees of Stone Chapel Methodist
Church in Carroll County, as contained in the last will and
testament of Scott N. Lloyd, deceased, said will being probated
June 7, 1927, by the Orphans' Court for Carroll County and
recorded in the office of the Register of Wills for said county
in Wills Liber W. F. B. No. 13, folio 329, etc., of the sum of two
hundred dollars ($200) to be deposited and the income applied
to the upkeep of the testator's lot in the cemetery adjoining
said church and any surplus income to be used as trustees may
see fit.
To the conveyance contained in a Deed from Charles J.
Bouchet to certain grantees for life who are now deceased and
than absolutely to The Missions Helpers of the Sacred Heart
and to St. Francis Xavier School for the Deaf, equally, dated
the 20th day of June, 1918, and recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3223, folio 447, etc.
To the conveyance contained in a Deed from Charles J.
Bouchet to certain grantees for life who are now deceased and
then absolutely to the Institute of Mission Helpers of Baltimore
City for St. Francis Xavier School for the Deaf, dated April
4, 1919, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3337, folio 340, etc.
To the conveyance contained in a Deed from Charles J.
Bouchet to certain grantees for life who are now deceased and
then absolutely to The Young Catholic Friends Society in the
City of Baltimore, and the St. Vincent De Paul Society of Bal-
timore, equally, dated April 4, 1919, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3337,
folio 338, etc.
To the bequests as contained in the last will and testament
of Anna Mary Faulstich, late of Baltimore City, deceased, said
will being probated by the Orphans' Court of Baltimore City
on April 2, 1930, and recorded in the office of the Register of
Wills of Baltimore City in Wills Liber E. R. D. No. 166, folio
543, etc., as follows: