own expense, through all that pant and parcel of marsh land in
the Chesapeake Bay, lying within one-half mile of the Havre de
Grace City Park.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Millard E.
Tydings, his heirs, successors and assigns, be and they are hereby
permitted to pile or form into islands such dredged earth or soil
and to take and hold to such islands so formed.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1931.
Approved April 17, 1931.
AN ACT to declare the sanction and consent of the General As-
sembly of Maryland to sundry gifts, bequests and devises con-
tained in the last wills and testaments of certain persons, de-
ceased, and also to certain gifts, grants, sales, leases and deeds
made by various persons to and for the use and benefit of
sundry ministerial persons, religious corporations, vestries,
educational and charitable institutions, churches, denomina-
tions or sects hereinafter named.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the sanction and consent of said General Assembly
of Maryland be and the same is hereby declared given and
granted to the following gifts, bequests, devises, grants, sales,
leases, conveyances and deeds, to and from certain persons and
bodies corporate to and for the use of certain ministerial per-
sons, religious and educational corporations, orders, denomina-
tions and sects, and to certain charitable institutions herein-
after named as herein set forth:
To the following bequests contained in the last will and testa-
ment of John C. Distler, Junior, late of Baltimore City, de-
ceased, said will having been probated in the Orphans' Court
of Baltimore City on June 30, 1930; and of record in the office
of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in Wills Liber E. E.
D. No. 167, folio 437, etc.,
(a) To Grace English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bal-
timore City, situated at the southwest corner of Broadway and
Gough Street in Baltimore City aforesaid, $500;
(b) To the President and Directors of the General German
Aged Peoples' Home of Baltimore City, situated at the corner