imposing lines or both fines and imprisonment at hard labor, and
to abate by appropriate ordinances all nuisances in said town
which are so defined at common law, whether the same are here-
in specified or not; to regulate the use of sidewalks and all
structures in, under or over the same; to regulate and prevent
the throwing or depositing of sweepings, dust, ashes, offal, dirt,
garbage, paper, hand bills, dirty liquors, or any other materials
into any street, alley or public place; to regulate and prevent
the use of streets, sidewalks and public places for signs, sign
posts, awning, awning posts, poles, horse troughs, steps, rail-
road entrances, racks, posting hand bills and advertisements and
display of goods, wares and merchandise; to cause the streets,
lanes and alleys, to be side walked, paved, graded, repaired, re-
paved, regraded, drained, or sewered, or to close streets or parts
of streets, lanes or alleys; to regulate and license the use of
coaches, hacks, drays, and all other vehicles for the transporta-
tion of passengers, freight or other articles to or from points
within said city for hire or pay; to regulate, license, tax, re-
strain or prohibit theatrical and other exhibitions, shows or en-
tertainments, for which money is demanded or received, pro-
vided that lectures on scientific, historic, benevolent, artistic,
religious or literary subjects and apparatus for the elucidation
of. the same and specimens of fine art shall not be deemed to
be within these provisions; to regulate the sales of all kinds of
property at auctions in the streets, stores, shops or elsewhere
in the city; and to license auctioneers and all vendors of prop-
erty on the streets or squares, or other public places in the said
towTn, to license, tax, regulate, suppress and prohibit hawkers
and itinerant dealers, peddlers and pawn brokers, and to- revoke
such license at pleasure; to license, tax, regulate and prohibit
the keeping or harboring of dogs; to license, tax, and regulate
branch stores and all other concerns established in said town
for temporary business only.
SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and
Council shall have the power to compel the property owners
building along any of said streets, lanes, or alleys, so accepted
by said corporation and recorded among its proceedings to con-
struct and keep in repair sidewalks and footways of their prop-
erty binding on said streets and roads not exceeding two hun-
dred feet and may pass all such ordinances as may be necessary
to compel the construction and repair of said sidewalks. And
they shall have power to enforce the construction and repair
of sidewalks by fines imposed upon the property owners for a
failure to construct and repair after fifteen days' notice previ-
ously given, which said fines shall be collectible as other fines
imposed for the violation of the ordinances of the town as here-
inafter set forth and stated.