the protection of the health, comfort and convenience of the
citizens of Mountain Lake Park and visitors thereto, or so-
journers therein; for providing proper and suitable lights on
the streets; for establishing, maintaining and regulating an
adequate police force; to regulate the management and location
of livery stables, foundries, and all other establishments of
which the business or trade may become obnoxious or injurious
to public comfort and health; to prohibit the erection of such
buildings, or the continuance of such noxious occupation there-
in, whenever the public health requires it; to prevent or regu-
late the use of fire-arms, fireworks, bonfires or other things or
practices tending to endanger persons or property; to regulate
or prohibit the running at large of cattle, horses, swine, fowls,
sheep, goats, dogs, or other animals; to authorize the impound-
ing, keeping, sale, and redemption of such animals when found
in violation of such ordinance, in such cases provided; to pre-
vent the deposit of any unwholesome substance either on public
or private property; to compel its removal to designated points,
and to require slops, garbage, ashes and other waste or unwhole-
some material to be removed to designated points, or to require
the occupants or residents on premises to place them conveni-
ently for removal; to compel the occupants of any premises,
buildings, or outhouses, situated in said city, when the same
have been filthy or unwholesome, to abate or clean the same; to
authorize the same to be done by the proper officers and to assess
the expense thereon against such property; to regulate or pre-
vent the storage of gunpowder, tar, pitch, resin, coil oil, benzine,
turpentine, hemp, cotton, nitro-glycerine, dynamite, giant
powder, petroleum, gasoline or gas, or any product thereof, or
any other explosive or combustible material or materials which
may seem to be dangerous; to authorize the removal or con-
finement of such persons having infectious or pestilential dis-
eases; to pass all ordinances and orders, and to expend such
sums of money as may be necessary within the limitations there-
in provided for the protection, maintenance and preservation
of the water supply of the city and the prevention of the pollu-
tion thereof; to regulate the selling, weighing or measuring of
hay, wood, coal, coke and all other articles sold by weight and
measure, and to provide for their inspection and selling; to
make all regulations which may be deemed expedient for the
promotion of health or suppression of disease; to regulate the
construction of chimneys, smoke stacks, hearths, ovens, and the
erection of stoves and pipes, boilers and apparatus used in
buildings or other places, and cause the same to be removed or
made secure when considered dangerous; to suppress or restrain
bawdy houses of ill fame, and to prohibit the youth of said city
from being on the streets, lanes or alleys, at unseasonable hours
of the night; to punish and suppress tramps and vagrants by