SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That. the Mayor and Coun-
cil shall have power to appoint a treasurer who shall be a resi-
dent of said town qualified to vote for Mayor and Councilmen,
and before entering upon the duties of his office shall give bond
to the State of Maryland, with two good and sufficient securities
to be approved by the said Mayor and Council in such penalty
as the said Mayor and Council shall prescribe, conditioned that
he shall well and faithfully account for all money paid over to
him by the bailiff of said corporation, or that may be received
by him from any other person or persons for He use of said
corporation, and shall well and truly pay over to his successor
in office or to the order of said Mayor and Council, and per-
form all other duties of his office according to law and the
ordinances of said Mayor and Council; he shall keep full and
correct account of all moneys received by him, with the sources
from which received and the dates of such receipts, and of the
disbursements made by him with the time when the persons to
whom and what account the same were made.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and
Council may from time to time cause an assessment to be made
of all the property liable to the State and County taxes within
the corporate limits, and to levy a tax thereon not exceeding
sixty cents on the one hundred dollars in any one year and that
said property shall be assessed at its actual cash value. And
the said Mayor and Council may appoint an assessor and col-
lector of taxes and fix his salary or compensation, and provide
for a method of collecting the taxes by ordinance, and also the
method of making assessments; and any person aggrieved by
any assessment made under this provision shall have the right
of an appeal. to the said Mayor and Council of said town of
Mountain Lake Park.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the said Mayor of the said town to see that the ordinances
of the town are duly and faithfully executed, and he shall ap-
point, subject to the confirmation of the Council, all such per-
sons as agents and servants of said corporation as may be nec-
essary to carry out the objects and purposes of the corporation,
and enforce. the ordinances to be passed thereby.
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That the said Council
shall have power to pass such ordinances not contrary to the
Constitution and laws of this State as it may deem necessary
for. the good government of the town, for the protection and
preservation of the town's property, rights and priviliges; for
the preservation of the peace and good order and securing per-
sons and property from violence, danger and destruction; for