Mayor or one or more of the Councilmen elected as aforesaid,
the remaining Councilmen, or a majority of them, shall elect a
proper person to fill said vacancy.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and each
Councilman, before he proceeds to act as such, shall make oath be-
fore some justice of the peace for Garrett County that he will
diligently and faithfully, according to the best of his skill and
judgment, perform, the duties of his office without favor, par-
tiality or prejudice, and a certificate of such qualification shall
be returned by the said justice of the peace to the Mayor and
Council, to be filed and recorded among their proceedings.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor shall
preside at all meetings of the Council, unless prevented by sick-
ness or reasonable cause, in which event the said Council may
select a president pro temp ore; he shall sign all ordinances of
said town, and shall countersign all orders and drafts drawn by
the clerk, on the Treasurer of said town.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Coun-
cil shall appoint a clerk, who shall, before entering on his duties,
make oath before the said Mayor or a justice of the peace, that
he will well and faithfully perform. the duties of his office as
prescribed by this Act, or which may be prescribed by ordinance,
to the best if his skill and judgment; he shall sign all drafts
or orders for money appropriated or ordered by the Mayor
and Council to be paid by the treasurer, and keep a record of
the proceedings of said Mayor and Council in a book to be pro-
vided by them for that purpose, which shall at all times be open
to the inspection of any person interested. The said Mayor and
Council shall have power to fix his term of office and the amount
of his compensation.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Coun-
cil shall have power to appoint a bailiff who, before entering
upon the duties of his office, shall make oath before a justice
of the peace for Garrett County that he will faithfully and im-
partially perform the duties imposed upon him by this Act and
the ordinances of said town, and shall execute to the State of
Maryland a bond with two good and sufficient securities to be
approved by said Mayor and Council in such penalty as they
may prescribe, conditioned that he shall well and faithfully per-
form the duties of said office in all things appertaining thereto
according to law and the ordinances of said Mayor and Council,
and shall well and truly collect and pay over to the treasurer
of said corporation all taxes levied by the Mayor and Council
and all other sums of money that may be received by him for
the use of said corporation.