named herein, shall be unable to act on account of sickness,
death, refusal to act or otherwise,. then the remaining judge
or judges shall fill the vacancy or vacancies by appointing a
suitable person or persons residing in said town who are quali-
fied voters therein in accordance with the provision of this Act.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That, said corporation shall
'be governed by a Mayor and five Councilmen. There shall be
an election on the second Tuesday in August each year between the
hours of one o'clock P. M. and seven o'clock P. M. and at the elec-
tion on the second Tuesday of August, 1931, there shall be elected
a Mayor to1 serve for two years, three councilmen to serve for two
years and two councilmen to serve for one year and until their
successors are elected and qualified; at the expiration of the term
of the Mayor and the members of the Council, their successors
shall be elected to serve for a term of two years and until the
qualification of their successors. The Mayor and Councilmen
shall be qualified voters and residents of said town.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That all elections shall be
by ballot, and all persons who are qualified to vote for members
of the 'General Assembly of Maryland and who have resided
in said town for six months next preceding any election and all
persons, citizens of the United States and bona fide owners of,
real estate in said town for twelve months preceding any elec-
tion, and the wives and/or husbands and children of such owners
who are 21 years of age or over, shall be entitled to vote at any
town election. The Mayor' and Council shall appoint at least
three judges to hold all town elections held after the year 1931
and shall give at least ten days notice by hand bills posted in
conspicuous places in said town naming the time and place when
said election shall be held and. the polls opened and closed. The
Mayor and council shall have power to pass such ordinances
for conducting said town elections as may be deemed necessary
and proper not in conflict with the provisions of this Act.
SEC.. 7. And be it further enacted, That if at any election
held under this Act two or more persons shall receive the same
number of votes for Mayor or Councilman of said town, the
judges of said election shall, after having given live days' notice
of the time and place, proceed to hold another election. to fill
said office or offices, and the person or persons receiving the
highest number of votes at said election shall, with those pre-
viously chosen, if any, constitute the Mayor and Council of
Mountain Lake Park.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That if any vacancy shall
occur by death, resignation, removal or failure to act of the