AN ACT to incorporate the town of Mountain Lake Park, in
Garrett County, Maryland, and to repeal Chapter 430 of the
Acts of 1888, entitled "An Act to incorporate The Community
of Mountain Lake Park, " and to repeal Chapters 315 of 1896,
688 of 1914, 176 of 1916 and 160 of 1927 amending said Act,
and providing for a referendum thereon.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 430 of the Acts of 1888, entitled "An Act
to incorporate the Community of Mountain Lake Park, 7' and
Chapters 315 of 1896, 688 of 1914, 176 of 1916 and 160 of 1927,
amending said Act, be and they are hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the inhabitants of
the town of Mountain Lake Park, Garrett County, Maryland,
are hereby incorporated by the name of Mayor and Council of
Mountain Lake Park with all the powers and privileges of a
body politic and corporate, and by that name may have per-
petual succession, may sue and be used, may have and use a
common seal, and may hold real, personal and mixed property
and dispose of the same when the best interest of the town may
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the corporate limits
of the said town of Mountain Lake Park are hereby described
to be as follows:
Beginning at East side of Rail Road Bridge West of Mountain
Lake Park Rail Road Station and running with the South limits
of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, North East 2300 feet to
a line of the Mountain Lake Park Association Grounds, thence
with said line North East 3200 feet to the end thereof, and with
the lines of the Association, North West 1300 feet thence North
East 1650 feet, thence North West 3450 feet, thence South West
3350 feet to the South West corner of Lot No. 3049 of the
Mountain Lake Park Plat. Thence South East 1200 feet, thence
South West 1650 feet to the South West corner of Lot No. 3064,
thence North West 1300 feet, thence South West 4000 feet to
South Limits of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, thence with
the South limits of said Rail Road South East to the place of
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted. That the first election for
Mayor and Council shall be held before W. L, Camden, E. E.
Friend, J. S. Elliott, W. B. Brock and Britton Martin, who
are hereby appointed judges for that purpose and for the time
hereinfter named; provided, that in case any of said judges