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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1248   View pdf image (33K)
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1248                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.                  [CH. 198'

187J. If an owner's certificate of registration has been sus-
pended under the provisions of this Act, such certificate shall
not be transferred nor the motor vehicle in respect of which
such certificate was issued, registered in another name, where
the Commissioner has reasonable grounds to believe that such,
transfer or registration is proposed for the purpose or will
have the effect of defeating the purpose of this Act. Provided,
however, that such transfer of registration shall be permitted
upon the furnishing of proof of financial responsibility to the'
Commissioner by such transferee whenever the Commissioner
shall deem it necessary in furtherance of the purposes of this
section. Nothing in this Act contained shall have the effect
of preventing a transfer of the certificate of title of the motor
vehicle of such owner.

187K. Nothing in this Act contained shall be held to apply
to or affect policies of automobile insurance against liability
which may now or hereafter be required by special Act, and
such policies, if endorsed to conform to the requirements of
this Act shall be accepted as proof of financial responsibility
when required under this Act; nor shall anything in this Act
contained be held to apply to or affect policies insuring solely
the insured named in the policy against liability resulting from
the maintenance, operation or use by other persons in the in-
sured's employ or in his behalf of motor vehicles not owned by
the insured.

187L. Any person who shall forge, or without authority,,
sign any evidence of ability to respond in damages as required
by the Commissioner in the administration of this Act and any
non-resident who shall operate a motor vehicle in this State
from whom the privilege of operating any motor vehicle has
been withdrawn as provided in Section 187B hereof, shall be
fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100. 00) nor more
than one thousand dollars ($1, 000. 00) or imprisoned not
more than thirty days or both.

187M. "Motor vehicle liability policy, " as used in this
Act, shall be taken to mean a policy of liability insurance issued
by an insurance carrier authorized to transact business in this
State or issued by an insurance carrier authorized to transact
business in the State or Province in which the motor vehicle or
motor vehicles therein described is registered, or if none be
described, then in the State in which the insured resides to-


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1248   View pdf image (33K)
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