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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1249   View pdf image (33K)
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ALBERT C. RITCHIE, GOVERNOR.                1249

the person therein named as insured, which policy shall either
(1) designate, by explicit description or other adequate refer-
ence, all motor vehicles with respect to which coverage is in-
tended to be granted by said policy, and shall insure the insured
named therein, and any other person using or responsible for
the use of any such motor vehicle with the consent express or
implied, of such insured, against loss from the liability imposed
by law upon such insured or upon such other person for injury
to or death of any person, other than such insured and such
person or persons as may be covered, as respects such injury
or death by any workmen's compensation law, and/or for dam-
ages to property, except property of others in charge of the
insured or of his employees or other agents growing out of the
ownership, maintenance, use or operation of any such motor
vehicle within the continental limits of the United States of
America or the Dominion of Canada; or which policy shall, in
the alternative, (2) insure the person therein named as insured
against loss from the liability imposed by law upon such in-
sured for injury to or death of any person, other than such
insured and such person or persons as may be covered as re-
spects such injury or death by any workmen's compensation
law, and/or for damage to property, except property of others
in charge of the insured or of his employees or other agents
growing out of the maintenance, operation or use by such in-
sured of any motor vehicle, except a motor vehicle registered
in the name of such insured and occurring while such insured
is personally in control, as driver or occupant, of such motor
vehicle within the continental limits of the United States of
America or the Dominion of Canada, in either case to the
amount or limit of $5, 000. 00, exclusive of interest and costs,
on account of injury to or death of any one person, and subject
to the same limit as respects injury to or death of any one
person, of $10, 000. 00, exclusive of interest and costs, on ac-
count of any one accident resulting in injury to or death of
more than one person; and of $1, 000. 00 for damage to property
of others, as herein provided, resulting from any one accident;
or a binder pending the issuance of any such policy, or an en-
dorsement to an existing policy both as hereinafter provided;
provided, however, that this section shall not be construed as
preventing an insurance carrier from granting in a "motor
vehicle liability policy" any lawful coverage in excess of or in
addition to the coverage herein provided for or from embodying
in such policy any agreements, provisions or stipulations not


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1249   View pdf image (33K)
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