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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1247   View pdf image (33K)
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ALBERT C. RITCHIE, GOVERNOR.                1247

officer to secure possession thereof and to return the same to
the office of the Commissioner. Any person wilfully failing
to return such operator's license or such certificate or certifi-
cates and number plates shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100. 00) nor
more than one thousand dollars ($1, 000. 00), or imprisonment
for not more than thirty days or both. The amount of such
fine shall be paid in the manner provided for the payment of
fines for violations of the Motor Vehicle Laws.

187-1. The Commissioner shall cancel such bond or return
such proof of insurance, or the said Treasurer shall with the
consent of the Commissioner, return such money or collateral
to the person furnishing the same at any time after three years
shall have elapsed since the filing of such bond or proof or the
making of such deposit provided that during the three years'
period immediately preceding such person shall not have been
convicted of, pleaded guilty to or forfeited bond or collateral
given for any of the offenses specified in Section 187A of this
Act, and provided further that no suit or judgment against him
for damages as aforesaid arising from the ownership, mainte-
nance, use or operation hereafter of a motor vehicle shall then
be pending or outstanding and unstayed or unsatisfied, as afore-
said; and the affidavit of such person, showing fulfillment of
these requirements shall be sufficient proof thereof in the ab-
sence of evidence to the contrary before the Commission. The
Commissioner shall direct the return of any money or collateral
to the person entitled thereto, at any time upon the acceptance
and substitution by or on behalf of the person required to fur-
nish the same, of other evidence of such person's ability to
respond in damages, or at any time after three years from the
expiration of the latest registration or license issued to such
person, or at any time in the event of the death or permanent
incapacity of such person to own and/or operate a motor vehi-
cle, or upon other good cause shown therefor, provided no
written notice shall have been filed with the Commissioner
stating that a suit for damages, as aforesaid arising out of the
ownership, maintenance, use or operation of a motor vehicle,
as aforesaid, has been brought against such person, and upon
the filing by such person with the Commissioner of an affidavit
that he has abandoned his residence in this State or that he
has made a bona fide sale of all motor vehicles owned by him
and does not intend to own or operate any motor vehicle in
this State for a period of one or more years.


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1247   View pdf image (33K)
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