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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1246   View pdf image (33K)
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1246                        LAWS OF MARYLAND.                  [CH. 49 8"

operation of a motor vehicle as aforesaid. Money or collateral
so deposited shall not be subject to attachment or execution
unless such attachment or execution shall arise out of a suit
for damages as aforesaid. If such a judgment rendered against
the principal on the surety company or real estate individual
bond given under the provisions of this Act shall not be satis-
fied within thirty (30) days after it has become final as herein-
before provided, the judgment creditor may, for his own use
and benefit and at his sole expense, bring an action or actions in
the name of the State against the Company or persons execut-
ing such bond, including an action or proceeding to foreclose
any lien that may exist upon the real estate of a person who
has executed such bond.

187F. The Commissioner shall upon request furnish any
insurance carrier, person or surety a certified abstract of the
operating record of any person subject to the provisions of this
Act, which abstract shall fully designate the motor vehicles,
(if any) registered in the name of such person, and if there
shall be no record of any conviction of such person of a viola-
tion of any provision of any statute relating to the operating of
a motor vehicle or of any injury or damage caused by such per-
son as herein provided, the Commissioner shall so certify. The
Commissioner shall collect for each such certificate the sum of
one dollar.

187G. The Commissioner shall furnish any person who
may have been injured in person or property by any motor
vehicle, upon written request, with all information of record in.
his office pertaining to the evidence of the ability of any oper-
ator or owner of any motor vehicle to respond in damages.

187H. Any operator or any owner, whose operator's license
or certificate of registration shall have been suspended as here-
in provided, or whose policy of insurance or surety bond shall
have been cancelled or terminated, or who shall neglect to fur-
nish additional evidence of ability to respond in damages upon
request of the Commissioner shall immediately return to the
Commissioner his operator's license, certificate of registration.
and the number plates issued thereunder. If any person shall
wilfully fail to return to the Commissioner the operator's
license, certificate or certificates of registration and the number
plates issued thereunder as provided herein, the Commissioner
shall forthwith direct any State policeman or other police


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1246   View pdf image (33K)
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