(3) When $1, 000 has been credited upon any judgment or
judgments rendered in excess of that amount for dam-
age to property as the result of any one accident;
resulting from the ownership, maintenance, use or operation of
a motor vehicle, then and in such event, such payment or pay-
ments shall be deemed a satisfaction of such judgment or judg-
ments for the purposes of this section only.
And provided further, that a judgment debtor to whom this
section applies may, for the sole purpose of giving authority
to the Commissioner to authorize the judgment debtor to oper-
ate a motor vehicle thereafter, on due notice to the judgment
creditor, apply to the court in which the trial judgment was
obtained for the privilege of paying such judgment in install-
ments, and the court, in its discretion and without prejudice
to any other legal remedies which the judgment creditor may
have, may so order, fixing the amounts and times of payment
of the installments. While the judgment debtor is not in de-
fault in payment of such installments, the Commissioner, upon
his giving proof of ability to respond in damages for future
accidents, as hereinbefore provided, may, in his discretion,
restore or refrain from suspending his license and/or registra-
tion certificate or certificates; but such license and/or certifi-
cate or certificates shall be suspended as hereinbefore provided
if and when the Commissioner is satisfied that the judgment
debtor has failed to comply with the terms of the court order.
If any such motor vehicle owner or operator shall not be a
resident of this State, the privilege of operating any motor
vehicle in this State and the privilege of operation within the
State of any motor vehicle owned by him shall be withdrawn
while any final judgment against him as aforesaid, shall be
unstayed, unsatisfied and subsisting for more than thirty (30)
days, as aforesaid, and shall not be renewed, nor shall any
operator's or chauffeur's license be issued to him or any motor
vehicle registered in his name until every such judgment shall
be stayed, satisfied or discharged as herein provided, and until
such person shall have given proof of his ability to respond
in damages for future accidents, as required in Section 187A
187C. The acceptance by a non-resident individual, firm
or corporation of the rights and privileges of using the roads
and highways of Maryland, which rights and privileges are
conferred by Section 190 or any other law, as evidenced by
his, their or its operation of a motor vehicle on any of the