motor vehicle shall be forthwith suspended by the Commissioner
upon receiving a certified copy or transcript of such final judg-
ment from the court in which the same was rendered showing
such judgment or judgments to have been still unsatisfied more
than thirty (30) days after the same became final, as aforesaid,
and shall remain so suspended and shall not be renewed, nor
shall any motor vehicle be thereafter registered in his name
while any such judgment remains unstayed, unsatisfied and
subsisting and until every such judgment is satisfied or dis-
charged and until the said person gives proof of his ability to
respond in damages as required in Section 187A hereof, for
future accidents. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the court,,
or of the court where it has no clerk, in which any such judg-
ment is rendered, to forward immediately after the expiration
of said thirty (30) days, as aforesaid, upon request of the
judgment creditor, to the Commissioner a certified copy of such
judgment or a transcript thereof, as aforesaid. In the event
the defendant is a non-resident, it shall be; the duty of the
Commissioner to transmit to the Commissioner of Motor Vehi-
cles or officer in charge of the issuance of operators' permits
and registration certificates of the State or Province of which
the defendant is a resident, a certified copy of the said judg-
ment. If after such proof has been given, any other such
judgment shall be recovered against such person for an acci-
dent occurring before such proof was given, but after this Act
shall take effect, such license or licenses and certificate or cer-
tificates shall again be and remain so suspended, and no other
such license or certificate shall be issued to such person while
any such judgment remains unsatisfied and subsisting, as afore-
Provided, however, anything in this Act to the contrary
notwithstanding, that
(1) When $5, 000 has been credited upon any judgment or
judgments rendered in excess of that amount for per-
sonal injury to or the death of one person as the result
of any one accident; or
(2) When, subject to the limit of $5, 000 for any one per-
son so injured or killed, the sum of $10, 000 has been
credited upon any judgment or judgments rendered in.
excess of that amount for personal injury to or the
death of more than one person as the result of any one?
accident; or