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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1243   View pdf image (33K)
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ALBERT C. RITCHIE, GOVERNOR.                1243

public highways within the limits of this State, shall be deemed
equivalent to an appointment by such non-resident individual,
firm or corporation of the 'Secretary of State, or his successor
in office, to be his, their or its true and lawful attorney upon
whom may be served all lawful processes in any action or pro-
ceeding instituted, filed or pending against him, them or it7
growing out of any accident or collision in which said non-
resident may be involved, while operating or causing to be
operated, a motor vehicle on such public highway and said
acceptance of the rights and privileges of using said highways
or the operation of said motor vehicle by said non-resident
individual, firm or corporation within this State, shall be a
signification of his, their or its agreement that any such process
against him, them or it which is so served shall be of the same
legal force and validity as if served on him, them or it per-
sonally. Service of such process shall be made by leaving a
copy of the process with a fee of $2. 00 in the hands of the
Secretary of State, or in his office, and such service shall be
sufficient service upon the said non-resident individual, firm
or corporation, and of full force and effect in any Court of this
State; provided that notice of such service and a copy of the
process shall forthwith be sent by registered mail by the plain-
tiff or his attorney to the defendant and the defendant's return
receipt is appended to the original process and filed therewith
in court; and the plaintiff's or his attorney's affidavit of com-
pliance herewith shall be filed with the Clerk of the Court in
which the said proceedings are pending. The Court in which
the action is pending may order such continuances as may be
necessary to afford the defendant a reasonable opportunity to
defend the action. The fee of $2. 00 paid by the plaintiff to
the Secretary of State at the time of service, shall be taxed in
the costs of the proceedings and the Secretary of State
shall keep a record of all such processes which shall show the
day and hour of service, and he shall account for all funds so
coming into his hands from such services, to the proper officer
or department of this State.

187D. Proof of ability to respond in damages, when re-
quired by this Act, may be evidenced by the written certificate
or certificates of any insurance carrier duly authorized to do
business within the State, that it has issued to or for the benefit
of the person named therein a motor vehicle liability policy or
policies in the form hereinafter prescribed, which, at the date
of the certificate or certificates, is or are in full force and effect,.


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1243   View pdf image (33K)
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