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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1240   View pdf image (33K)
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1240                       LAWS OF MARYLAND.                  [CH. 498

other action of the court shall be prima facie evidence of the
conviction, plea or forfeiture therein stated. In the event that
the person so shown to have been convicted, pleaded guilty or
forfeited bond or collateral appears to be a non-resident of this
State, the Commissioner shall transmit a copy of such certified
copy or transcript, certified to by him, to the officer in charge
of the issuance of motor vehicle operator's and/or chauffeur's
licenses and registration certificates of the State or Province of
which such person appears to be a resident.

Provided, however, that if it shall be duly established to the
satisfaction of the Commissioner and the Commissioner shall
so find (a) that any person, whether a resident or non-resident
of this State, who shall have been convicted, pleaded guilty or
forfeited bail or collateral, as aforesaid, was, upon the occasion
of the offense upon which such conviction, plea or forfeiture
was based, a chauffeur or motor vehicle operator, however,
designated, in the employ of the owner of the motor vehicle
involved in such offense or a member of the immediate family
or household of the owner of such motor vehicle, and (b) that
there was not, at the time of such offense or subsequent thereto,
up to the date of such finding, any motor vehicle registered in
this State, (or if a non-resident, in the State of his residence)
in the name of the person who so has been convicted, pleaded
guilty or forfeited bail or collateral, then and in that event, if
the person in whose name such motor vehicle is registered
shall give proof of ability to respond in damages according to
the provisions of this Act, which proof the Commissioner shall
accept, such chauffeur or other person, as aforesaid, shall be
relieved of the necessity of giving such proof in his own behalf.

187B. The operator's and/or chauffeur's license and all of
the registration certificates of any person, in the event of his
failure within thirty (30) days thereafter, to satisfy any judg-
ment which shall have become final, by expiration without
appeal of the time within which appeal might have been per-
fected or by final affirmance on appeal, rendered against him
by a court of competent jurisdiction in this State or in any
other State or the District of Columbia, or in any District
Court of the United States, or by a. court of competent juris-
diction in any Province of the Dominion of Canada, for dam-
ages on account of personal injury, including death, or damage
to property in excess of fifty dollars ($50. 00) resulting from
the ownership, maintenance, use or operation hereafter of a


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Session Laws, 1931
Volume 580, Page 1240   View pdf image (33K)
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