shall by a final order or judgment have been convicted of or
shall have pleaded guilty to or shall have forfeited any bond or
collateral deposited to secure the appearance for trial of the
defendant (where such forfeiture shall not have been vacated)
for any of the following offenses hereafter committed, to wit:
(a) Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of
intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs in violation of
Section 197 of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Licenses, " sub-title
"Racing and Intoxication. "
(b) Operating a motor vehicle in violation of any of the
Motor Vehicle laws of this State resulting in the death
of one or more persons.
(c) Leaving the scene of an automobile accident without
making identity known, in violation of Section 196 of
Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1924
Edition), title "Licenses, " sub-title "Accidents. "
shall be suspended by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles and
shall remain so suspended and shall not at any time thereafter
be renewed, or shall any such license be thereafter issued to
him or any motor vehicle be thereafter registered in his name
until he shall have given proof of his ability to respond in
damages for any liability thereafter incurred, resulting from
the ownership, maintenance, use or operation thereafter of a
motor vehicle for personal injury to or death of any one person
in the amount of at least $5, 000, and, subject to the aforesaid
limit for any one person injured or killed, of at least $10, 000
for personal injury to or the death of two or more persons in
any one accident, and for damage to property in the amount of
at least $1, 000 resulting from any one accident. Such proof
in said amounts shall be furnished for each motor vehicle regis-
tered by such person. If such person shall not be a resident of
this State, the privilege of operating any motor vehicle in this
State and the privilege of operation within the State of any
motor vehicle owned by him shall be withdrawn, and shall re-
main so withdrawn, and no operator's or chauffeur's license
shall be issued to him and no motor vehicle shall be registered
in his name until he shall have given proof as aforesaid. It
shall be the duty of the clerk of the court, or of the court
where it has no clerk, in which any such judgment or order is
rendered or other such action taken to forward immediately to
the Commissioner a certified copy or transcript thereof. A
certified copy or transcript of the judgment order or record of