; to provide for and regulate licenses, or permits for all exhi-
bitions and shows within said corporation, or to prohibit
or restrain them; and to regulate and provide for a tax on
dogs and bitches; and to provide for and prevent the run-
ning at large of all horses, cattle, hogs, geese, chickens, and
other fowl, upon the streets or within the limits of said town;
to provide by ordinance for condemning, laying out, opening,
extending and making new streets or alleys, and for altering,
straightening, widening, grading, improving or closing up, in
whole or in part any existing street or alley, and for removing
trees, posts and other obstructions, and for laying out public
squares, drains, water-courses and sewers, and all benefits or
damages done, suffered or incurred by the laying out, opening
and making of new streets or alleys, or by altering, straighten-
ing, widening, grading, improving or closing up, in whole or in
part, any existing street or alley, or laying out public squares,
drains or water-courses or sewers shall be determined and as-
sessed by three disinterested persons, residents of said town,
appointed by the Commissioners of Leonardtown, who shall
take an oath before some justice of the peace that they will
fairly, without partiality or prejudice, value and assess the loss
and damages to be suffered and incurred by any person inter-
ested, also to estimate the benefits that may accrue therefrom
to each interested person. They shall locate boundaries and
prepare an explanatory map giving description of the street
or alley opened, closed, extended, widened, straightened or
improved, or public square, drain or sewer located and estab-
lished, with each separate lot or parcel of ground deemed to
have sustained damages or received benefits, and they shall
within thirty days return to the Commissioners such maps?
together with the amount of damages awarded such owner or
occupant, and the amount of benefits assessed to any lot or the
owner thereof, together with a certificate of their qualifica-
tion, which may be ratified or rejected, or altered or amended,
in whole or in part, by the Commissioners of Leonardtown.
The said Commissioner's shall pay or tender, to the per-
son, his agent, guardian or representative, the amount of
damages so awarded by them, and if any one should feel ag-
grieved by the decision of the Commissioners, who is in any
manner affected by their decision, he may appeal to the Cir-
cuit Court for St. Mary's County, by giving written notice
within twenty days from said decision, filed with the treasurer
of said Commission, of his desire to appeal; and on the filing