"Leonardtown, " relating to the powers of the Commissioners
of Leonardtown.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 104 of Article 19 of the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "St. Mary's
County, " sub-title "Leonardtown, " be and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
104. The Commissioners shall have charge and control of
the lighting of the streets of the town and shall have power
to establish a water system with all the necessary powers of
condemnation conferred upon them by the town charter for
other purposes, to condemn property, public or private, neces-
sary in establishing same and to supply water for all municipal
purposes, or to contract with any water company for supplying
water for said purposes; to employ all labor and authorize
the bailiff to do so, that may be necessary, and to make all
contracts for public improvement, and to fix the price to be
paid for same. The Commissioners shall have power to
make such by-laws and pass such ordinances, not contrary
to law, and in conformity with this charter as they may
deem necessary for the good government, peace, health, safety,
comfort, morals or general welfare of the town and the in-
habitants thereof; to prevent, remove and abate all nuisances
and obstructions in or upon the streets, sidewalks, highways,
lanes, alleys, drains, waterways or sewers, or in or upon any
lot, and to provide for imposing a fine upon any person causing
or creating such nuisances or obstructions; to grant permits for
all buildings and to have power to remove, or order the removal
of any buildings that may be a nuisance, or that may have been
erected contrary to any ordinance heretofore passed or here-
after to be passed, or that may endanger any building con-
tiguous thereto in case of fire, or to enact ordinances and im-
pose fines for the enforcement of these provisions; to establish
grades upon the streets, alleys, gutters and sidewalks of said
town and prescribe the width thereof and the material of which
they shall be built; to cause the sidewalks along said public
streets to be graded, repaired or improved, or paved, and in
case of paving said sidewalks, or putting down concrete, cement
or other similar sidewalks, to assess one-half of the cost of
doing same against the abutting property owners, said charge
to be a lien against said property and to be collectible as taxes
are collectible under this charter; to establish building lines;