1234 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 49. 6;
of said notice the Commissioners shall cause to be delivered
the papers connected therewith to the clerk of said court, and
the same proceedings shall be had on the appeal as in eases
of appeal from judgments of justices of the peace; provided,
nevertheless, that "The Commissioners of Leonardtown" may
decline to open, lay out, extend, widen, grade or straighten any
street, alley or highway or improve or construct any public
square, waterway or drain or sewer notwithstanding the deci-
sion of the court; but, in case of refusal to do so, they shall
be liable for all costs incurred, and shall pay the same. On
appeal the court or jury may alter the award so returned,,
whether of damages or benefits, and award costs in its discre-
tion, and benefits assessed by virtue of the above provision
shall be liens on the respective lots or parcels of ground on
which they are assessed from the time of the final ratification
of the return made to "The Commissioners of Leonardtown"
and shall be collected as taxes are collected, or may be collected
by action at law.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take-
effect June 1, 1931.
Approved April 17, 1931.
AN ACT to authorize and empower The Commissioners of St.
Michaels, a municipal corporation of the State of Maryland,
to extend, enlarge and improve its electric plant, transmission
lines and system, and to that end to purchase and operate
existing lines now being served by the St. Michaels Utilities
Commission within the limits1 of Talbot County; to issue notes
or coupon bonds to an amount not to exceed fifteen thousand
dollars ($15, 000) to pay for such extension, enlargement or
improvement, and to levy such additional tax on assessable
property of the said town of Si. Michaels as may be necessary
to pay the interest and principal of said notes and bonds as
the same shall fall due.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That The Commissioners of St. Michaels, a municipal, cor-
poration of the State of Maryland, be and it is hereby authorized
and empowered, to extend, enlarge and improve its electric plant,