from be devoted to the perpetual care of the graves of my
father and mother, John Weaver and Lydia Weaver.
247. To the following bequest contained in Item 3 of the
Will of Jeannette Fueclisl Frankel, recorded in the office of
the Register of Wills for Baltimore City in Liber E. R. D.
No. 165, folio 578:
To the Oheb Shalom Congregation the sum of one thousand
dollars ($1,000.00) in special trust and. confidence, to invest
and reinvest the same in its discretion, or to deposit the same
at interest in some reliable savings institution, and to apply
the net income therefrom for the purpose of keeping perpetu-
ally in good care and condition our family lot in the cemetery
of said congregation, and the trees, graves, soil, shrubbery,
monuments and mausoleum thereon. Said cemetery is lo-
cated on the Mt. Carmel Road in Baltimore County, Mary-
248. To the following bequest contained in the Will of
Laura V. Applegarth, recorded in the Orphans7 Court of
Baltimore City:
To the. Church of Saint Michael and All Angels, a corpo-
ration, located at 2001 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Maryland,
the sum of five hundred dollars ($500,00), free and clear of
any collateral tax, with the request that this legacy be added
to and used for its endowment fund.
249. To the following bequest contained in Item 5 of the
Will of Laura V. Applegarth, recorded in the Orphans' Court
of Baltimore City:
To the Church of the Redeemer, a corporation, located at
Charles Street and Melrose Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland,
the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00), free and clear of
any collateral tax, with the request that this legacy be added
, to and used as a part of its endowment fund and as a me-
morial to my dear daughter, Bessie Applegarth Debman, de-
250. To the following bequest contained in the Last Will
and Testament [Item 2 (c)] of Frederick H. Gottlieb, re-
corded in the Orphans' Court of Baltimore City:
To the Little Sisters of the Poor, $250.00.